Why Use Us in the First Place?

Learn About Our Owner & Investor Real Estate Management Services

We want to impress you, and we know that your time is more valuable doing other things. Here are some key reasons why having us as your property manager is important:

Kalispell Property Management Investor Services


 Time and Convenience:

Property management can be time-consuming, especially if you own multiple properties. A property manager handles tasks such as rent collection, maintenance, and tenant issues, freeing up your time for other pursuits or investments.


 Legal Compliance:

Property management involves adhering to a myriad of local, state, and federal laws and regulations. A professional property manager understands these laws, ensuring your property remains compliant and avoiding potential legal issues.


 Market Knowledge:

Property managers stay up-to-date with local real estate market trends. They can help you set competitive rental rates to maximize your income while ensuring your property remains attractive to tenants.


 Financial Management:

Property managers keep accurate financial records, providing you with regular reports on your property's performance. This transparency helps you make informed decisions about your investment.


 Tenant Screening:

Property managers have the expertise to thoroughly screen potential tenants. This includes running background checks, verifying rental history, and assessing creditworthiness. This reduces the risk of problematic tenants and late rent payments.


 Maintenance and Repairs:

Property managers oversee routine maintenance and handle emergency repairs promptly. This not only preserves the value of your property but also keeps tenants satisfied, reducing turnover.


 Tenant Relations:

Property managers act as a buffer between you and tenants, handling tenant inquiries, concerns, and disputes. This can help maintain a positive landlord-tenant relationship.


 Reduced Vacancy Rates:

With their marketing expertise and efficient tenant turnover processes, property managers can minimize vacancies and ensure a consistent rental income stream.


 Property Marketing:

Property managers are skilled at marketing your property effectively. They can create compelling property listings, take high-quality photos, and use their networks to find suitable tenants quickly.


 Rent Collection:

Collecting rent can be challenging, but property managers have efficient systems in place to ensure rent is collected on time. They also handle late payments and, if necessary, initiate eviction proceedings.


 Emergency Response:

Property managers are available 24/7 to address tenant emergencies, such as a burst pipe or electrical issues, ensuring the safety and well-being of your tenants.


 Peace of Mind:

Knowing that your property is in the hands of a professional property manager can provide peace of mind. You can trust that your investment is being well-cared for, and you can focus on other aspects of your life or business.




Tenant Care Services

Keeping tenants happy and coming back is SO important. Treating your tenants with care and making them feel welcome creates a positive and long-lasting tenant-landlord relationship, one that we care deeply about. Here are some ways we show your tenants that we both care:



Property management owner services in Kalispell and the Flathead Valley MT

  Warm Welcome Letter:

We always send personalized welcome letter or email to new tenants shortly after they move in. We often provide welcom gifts and baskets. We are here for them. We express excitement about having them as tenants and provide important information, such as contact details for maintenance requests and emergency situations. By welcoming them and given them all the information they need it reduces anxiety and stress of all parties.

  Responsive Communication:

Communication is very important. Maybe the most important parrespond promptly to tenant inquiries, concerns, and maintenance requests. Clear and timely communication shows that we value their needs and comfort.

  Regular Check-Ins:

We check in with tenants to see how they are settling into the property. We do this through emails, phone calls, or in-person visits (with their permission). We ask if they have any concerns or if there's anything we can do to improve their living experience. Knowing we care will provide a more positive living experience.

  Maintenance and Repairs:

Kalispell Property addresses maintenance and repair requests promptly and professionally. Ensuring that the property remains in good condition. We take tenant concerns seriously.

  Tenant Portal:

We provide tenants with access to an online tenant portal where they can conveniently submit maintenance requests, pay rent, and access important documents. This adds to their convenience.

  Tenant Appreciation Events:

We host occasional tenant appreciation events or gatherings, such as a summer BBQ, holiday party, or community clean-up day. It's an opportunity for tenants to meet us and their neighbors, creating a sense of community.

  Holiday Greetings:

We send holiday cards or small tokens of appreciation during special occasions like Christmas, Thanksgiving, or other cultural holidays celebrated by your tenants.

  Tenant Surveys:

From time to time we send out tenant satisfaction surveys to gather feedback on their experiences. We then use their input to make improvements and show that you value their opinions and make necassary changes as needed.

  Prompt Security Deposit Return:

We return security deposits promptly and fairly, following state regulations. We provide a detailed breakdown of any deductions and ensure transparency in the process. Documenting with photos and descriptions, and by setting expectations on how the deposit is handled is how we ensure the move out process goes quickly and smoothly.

  Tenant Handbook:

Our tenant handbook provides useful information about the property, local services, emergency contacts, and maintenance tips. This resource can be a valuable reference for tenants and keeps them in the know.

  Respect Privacy:

We will always respect your tenants' privacy and provide proper notice before entering the property for inspections or repairs, as required by law. No one likes someone showing up unannounced. We understand that and want to treat our tenants with respect.

  Fair Treatment:

We promise to treat all tenants fairly and equally, regardless of background or circumstances and avoid any form of discrimination or favoritism.

  Flexible Lease Terms:

Whenever possible, we may offer flexible lease terms to accommodate your tenants' needs, such as month-to-month leases or renewal options. This is of course agreed upon by all parties.

  Personal Touch:

Caring is engrained in Kalispell Property. We care about the landlords and the tenants. By remember important dates, such as birthdays or move-in anniversaries, and send congratulatory messages or small gifts will show our appreciation. We are here to help the tenants along on thier journey.

  Quick Resolutions:

In the event of tenant disputes or issues, aim for quick and amicable resolutions that prioritize the best interests of both parties.



Reducing Vacancy Rates

Remember that reducing vacancies is an ongoing process. We continuously monitor the local market, stay responsive to tenant needs, and adapt your strategies as necessary to maintain high occupancy rates and rental income.



Property management owner services in Kalispell and the Flathead Valley MT

  Competitive Rental Pricing:

We research the local market to set competitive rental rates. If your property is priced too high, it may discourage potential tenants, while underpricing can lead to missed rental income. We make sure we get it right.

  Responsive Communication:

Communication is very important. Maybe the most important parrespond promptly to tenant inquiries, concerns, and maintenance requests. Clear and timely communication shows that we value their needs and comfort.

  Regular Maintenance:

Keeping our properties well-maintained and always addressing any necessary repairs promptly is what we do. A well-maintained property is more appealing to prospective tenants and will encourage current tenants to renew their leases.

  Maintenance and Repairs:

Kalispell Propertyt addresses maintenance and repair requests promptly and professionally. Ensuring that the property remains in good condition. We take tenant concerns seriously.

  Property Upgrades:

If there is a way to increase the rental income of your property by making modifications we will let you know. We will offer strategic upgrades or renovations to enhance your property's appeal. By focusing on improvements that provide a good return on investment, such as kitchen, bathroom updates, or even adding a bedroom.

  Effective Marketing:

We use comprehensive marketing strategies,to attract a wide range of potential tenants. High-quality photos, detailed descriptions, and well-crafted listings are essential. Lets get your property marketed better than your competition!

  Tenant Retention:

We place a strong emphasis on tenant satisfaction. Happy tenants are more likely to renew their leases. We consider and sometimes advise to offer incentives like lease renewals bonuses or minor upgrades.

  Preventative Maintenance:

We implement a proactive maintenance schedule to address potential issues before they become major problems. Regular inspections will help identify and fix problems early.

  Flexible Lease Terms:

By offering flexible lease terms, such as shorter leases or the option to go month-to-month after an initial term. This can attract tenants with various needs and timelines. We are open to meet the needs of the tenants.

  Tenant Screening:

We alwasy conduct thorough tenant screening to ensure you rent to reliable and responsible tenants who are more likely to stay for the long term.

  Incentives and Discounts:

Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links..

  Fair Treatment:

We promise to treat all tenants fairly and equally, regardless of background or circumstances and avoid any form of discrimination or favoritism.

  Flexible Lease Terms:

Whenever possible, we may offer flexible lease terms to accommodate your tenants' needs, such as month-to-month leases or renewal options. This is of course agreed upon by all parties.

  Personal Touch:

Caring is engrained in Kalispell Property. We care about the landlords and the tenants. By remember important dates, such as birthdays or move-in anniversaries, and send congratulatory messages or small gifts will show our appreciation. We are here to help the tenants along on thier journey.

  Quick Resolutions:

In the event of tenant disputes or issues, aim for quick and amicable resolutions that prioritize the best interests of both parties.



Marketing & Accquistion

Properly advertising rental properties is crucial to attract potential tenants. Here are 15 effective ways to that we do to advertise your property. We promise to keep all listings accurate and up-to-date, promptly respond to inquiries, and maintain clear communication with potential tenants throughout the application process. This comprehensive approach to advertising rental properties will help you attract quality tenants and minimize vacancy periods.



Property management owner services in Kalispell and the Flathead Valley MT

  Detailed Descriptions:

Write detailed and compelling property descriptions that highlight the property's key selling points, such as location, amenities, and unique features.

  Virtual Tours:

Create virtual tours or 360-degree videos to give prospective tenants an immersive experience of the property.

  List on Rental Websites:

Post listings on popular rental websites like Zillow, Trulia, Apartments.com, Craigslist, Rent.com, and others relevant to your location.

  List on MLS:

It is the local real estate directory that all licensed agents use.

  Our Company Website:

Feature the property prominently on your property management company's website. Optimize the listing for search engines to increase its online visibility.

  Social Media Marketing:

Promote the property on your property management company's social media accounts, using engaging visuals and targeted ads to reach a wider audience.

  Email Marketing:

Send property listings to your email list, including high-quality images and essential details about the property.

  Local Advertising:

Advertise in local newspapers, community newsletters, and real estate magazines. Consider creating eye-catching print ads.

  Yard Signs:

Place "For Rent" signs on the property, including your company's contact information. This attracts nearby residents who may be interested in the area.

  Network with Real Estate Agents:

Build relationships with local real estate agents who can refer clients looking for rentals. Offer competitive commissions to incentivize referrals.

  Tenant Referral Program:

Implement a tenant referral program where current tenants can earn incentives for referring new tenants.

  Open Houses:

Host open houses to allow prospective tenants to view the property in person and ask questions.

  Community Bulletin Boards:

Post flyers on community bulletin boards, in local cafes, and other high-traffic areas.

  Word of Mouth:

Encourage our current tenants to spread the word about available rentals to their friends and family.

  Leverage Online Reviews:

Encourage satisfied tenants to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, or social media to boost our online reputation.

Rent in Kalispell


175 Hutton Ranch Rd., Ste 103, #298
Kalispell, MT 59901

HOURS: 9am - 4pm M-F